Classes on the farm
Teaching classes on the farm has become a source of inspiration for us. In 2019, our classes reflect what we enjoy and are excited to lead. Join us for an amazing year of shared passion and inspiration!
One of the things that Jenn and I really enjoy on the farm is teaching classes and getting people out to the farm. When we started this journey, teaching wasn’t even in our realm of thought but when we saw the inspiration that homesteading and farming brought to people… well, it inspired US! I kind of feel like the farm runs on cyclical inspiration. People’s love of the farm is what inspires us to do what we do. And we want our passion to inspire you.
We’re excited about 2019’s class offerings. This year, we asked ourselves what we kind of experiences would we enjoy doing? And what would WE enjoy leading? This year’s classes reflect that. It’s going to be an amazing year!